Learn Oneida

Phone Numbers

The word for phone number is niwashe·tás. Below you will find the paradigms for "at someone‘s (own) house" and "at someone‘s (own) place of work", and some examples for how to use the word for phone number with the paradigms.

At Someone‘s House

Pronoun (EN)PronounPhraseTranslation
tsiʔ twakyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At My own house
tsiʔ tisyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Your own house
tsiʔ thyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At His own house
tsiʔ tyakoyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Her own house
tsiʔ tyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Its own house
You and Itetniyáhse
tsiʔ tyukniyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Our (you and I) own house
You twotesniyáhse
tsiʔ tisniyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At All your own house
Two malestehniyáhse
tsiʔ tyukwayoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Their (males, mix) own house
Two femalestekniyáhse
tsiʔ tiswayoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Their (females) own house
You all and Itwakweku
tsiʔ thotiyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At All our own house
All of youswakweku
tsiʔ tyotyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At All of yours own house

At Someone‘s Work

Pronoun (EN)PronounPhraseTranslation
tsiʔ twakyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At My own work
tsiʔ tisyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Your own work
tsiʔ thyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At His own work
tsiʔ tyakoyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Her own work
tsiʔ tyyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Its own work
You and Itetniyáhse
tsiʔ tyukniyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Our (you and I) own work
You twotesniyáhse
tsiʔ tisniyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At All your own work
Two malestehniyáhse
tsiʔ tyukwayoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Their (males, mix) own work
Two femalestekniyáhse
tsiʔ tiswayoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At Their (females) own work
You all and Itwakweku
tsiʔ thotiyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At All our own work
All of youswakweku
tsiʔ tyotyoʔtʌ́sta̲ʔ
At All of yours own work


A telephone
What's your phone number?
Náhteʔ niwashe·tás né· isé· sawʌ́ teyethalákhwa̲ʔ
My phone number is 445-1234.
445-1234 niwashe·tás tsiʔ teyethalákhwa̲ʔ
What's the phone number where you work?
Tó· niwashe·tás né· teyethalákhwaʔ tsiʔ nú· tisayoʔtʌ́staʔ
My phone number at work is 765-1234.
765-1234 niwashe·tás tsiʔ twakyo·té·ˍ
What's the phone number where you live?
Tó· niwashe·tás né· teyethalákhwaʔ isé· sawʌ́ tsiʔ tisatʌtíˍ
The phone number where I live is 445-1234.
445-1234 teyethalákhwaʔ niwashe·tás tsiʔ twakatʌtíˍ
What's the phone number at your house?
Tó· niwashe·tás teyethalákhwaʔ tsiʔ tisanúhsote̲ʔ
The phone number at my house is 445-1234.
445-1234 niwashe·tás tsiʔ twaknúhsote̲ʔ
What's your address (at your house)?
Tó· niwashe·tás tsiʔ tisanúhsote̲ʔ
I live at 1234 Oneida Road.
1234 niwashe·tás Onʌyoteʔa·ká· yoha·té· tsiʔ tkí·tlu̲ʔ